Many modern skeptics consider the book of Jonah to be a little far-fetched. They find it impossible that a man could survive inside a great fish for three days. However you feel about the story, it’s important to not miss the biblical truth that speaks loudly into our lives and demonstrates God’s patience, lovingkindness, and his willingness to give those who stray a second chance, even if it means commanding a great fish to accomplish the goal.
We all know the story. Jonah was given an assignment from God to go to Nineveh and warn the people to repent against their wickedness. Jonah hopped on a boat going in the opposite direction. A great storm came. Now put yourself in Jonah’s shoes for a minute. He was running from God. He’s been identified as the one on the ship causing the storm. He’s in despair. He’s given up. He doesn’t care anymore and tells the sailors to throw him overboard.
Let me ask you, have you ever been alone in a dark time in your life where you came face to face with who you are becoming or with what your life has become? I’ve been there. Perhaps you are there right now.
Sometimes when you realize you need help, it’s the very best place you can be—because then you stop trying to make it on your own and you can cry out to the God who rescues.
In the story of Jonah, God sent a very unconventional lifeline, “And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights” (Jonah 1:17). Talk about God forcing someone to slow down, stop running and deal with his issues.
Listen, if you feel like you’re drowning right now, God has not abandoned you. He’s not forgotten you. He hasn’t written you off. He has not left you to drown. He pursues you. And whatever your deep-sea experience is, He is in the water with you. He is at work in the dark.
This is Jonah’s rescue story—“God called me. I ran. I was in way too deep. I had no way out. And God came to my rescue.” The story exemplifies God’s miraculous power and supremacy over his entire creation. His command of the waters, the whale, and more importantly (despite our human weakness), His willingness to give us another chance. That’s Jonah’s rescue story. So, what’s yours? Or are you still in too deep? If so, pray as simply as, “Father, help me.”
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