E91 Early Learning is an innovative learning ministry in the heart of Castleton that values and teaches Christian truth and values. We have been open and serving the Indianapolis area for more than 30 years through a hands-on play and exploration-based learning environment.


Our mission is to partner with parents and build relationships so that every child knows Jesus and understands they are made in the image of God. East 91st Street Christian Church promotes quality and professionalism in all its ministries.  To help plan appropriate learning activities for young children, our staff is required to attend conferences, seminars, and/or training. Our lead teachers have a degree in early childhood education, elementary education, or have equivalent education and experience. 


For the safety of our kids all staff are required to take yearly first aid and CPR training. E91 Early Learning provides a secure, locked facility. No one can enter without key access or authorization from the office.  Parents can pick up their children using an individual code. Safety drills are practiced regularly to ensure that staff and students know the correct procedure. Our building also includes a secure, fully enclosed outdoor play area! 


E91 Early Learning promotes play-based learning in every classroom, which includes daily Bible curriculum. Our teachers use behavior supports that encourage each child to problem solve and make the best choice possible. Each class implements guidelines that help the classroom function efficiently. Children learn to identify emotions, verbalize those feelings with their peers, and staff help redirect behaviors in a positive manner. Each week classes also attend "specials" for Spanish, choir (with a board certified Music Therapist), STEM, fine motor development, and more. The Indy Public Library Bookmobile also visits twice a month.


To learn more about our program, ask questions, or schedule a tour of our facility please call us at (317) 576-7620.

We look forward to talking with you!


We are always on the lookout for great people to join our team of dynamic caregivers.