Progress, Not Perfection
People need a safe haven for fellowship and accountability to address brokenness and addiction in their lives. At E91, we want to walk alongside each other in overcoming life issues from alcohol abuse to anxiety, from sexual brokenness to resentments, and from substance abuse to grief. Do you struggle with any of these relational issues or the generational presence of these issues?
Chronic Illness | Substances | Anger/Rage |
Divorce | Eating Disorders | Bitterness |
Depression/Anxiety | Gambling | Codependency |
Physical Abuse | Financial Integrity Issues | Unforgiveness |
Emotional Abuse | Sexual Integrity Issues | Perfectionism |
Sexual Abuse | Gaslighting | Blame Shifting |
Physical Neglect | Workaholism | Blame Absorbing |
Emotional Neglect | Media Dependency | Relational Brokenness |
The 180XChange community meets on Sunday evenings from
5:00-6:30 pm in Room 130 (Friendship Room) to utilize the tools of the 12 Steps of recovery to bring about spiritual and practical
transformational life change and freedom, and your next steps.
Not sure you trust God? We welcome you to take your next steps with us! We are a safe, confidential, honest community committed to thriving and living out the life God has for us. We are not where we were yesterday and are excited to see where we are in days to come. This change, one day at a time, has been brought about by: the Twelve Steps of recovery (which we have found to work for any hurt, habit, or issue), a safe but not soft community, movement into greater understanding of who God reveals himself to be as we understand him, and one day at a time. It works if you work it, and you’re worth it. (The twelve steps don’t have to be scary, aren’t just for those really broken people, and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us.)
We would love to meet you! For more information on attending, please complete the contact form or email to speak with a group member to answer any questions or get more information. Or just come drop in any Sunday evening!
180XChange is a life-change discipleship community. We recognize how the twelve steps of recovery provide a solid biblical foundation of Christ-centered living that overcomes harmful habits, unhealthy
attitudes, and destructive coping behaviors. We gather together in community weekly to encourage each other and work these biblical spiritual action steps with God. We progress through the pain and unmanageability of life, into the healing freedom that God graciously offers. Each Sunday we come together in a large group for a teaching or facilitated discussion of the step we’re presently reflecting on; then, we split into small groups by gender to each process our own journey and the steps in a safe and supportive way - no cross talk, no unsolicited input, and always confidential. We support each other outside of our regular meetings as needs and desires direct. We invite you on a journey that allows God to heal and transform you into who God made you to be. We have found that working these steps in community allows us to experience life more fully, according to God’s good Will and way. If you’re tired of “fighting life and losing”, come see if these tools are helpful for your life toolbox. Take the next step toward living God's life design for you with us. You can begin to experience the peace, love, joy, healing, and trust God intends for us.
Dave's Story
Martha's Story
Dave's Story
Elizabeth's Story